Monday, June 3, 2013

Inky Tree

Should have something to post up in a day or two, but for now, enjoy a 5 minute tree silhouette.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Another environment paint

Another quick paint.  Not so quick, took me a couple hours, but I imagine if I keep working on them, they will get faster and more precise. :3 Made some more brushes for this and tried some different things, more colors.

Edit: Need to start putting my source material (basically any neat photo I see on google).

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Forest paint

Second environment paint in an attempt to make this a daily thing.  It's not quite there, but I'm getting there. :3

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Here, there, and back again.

So, I've been taking a bit of time off of school to deal with health and family issues, but that doesn't mean that I've not been working on a few things.  The work has just tended to be very slow in nature.  My main focus when I'm not bedridden has been an image for a friend.  It's a work in process, not even having the right lighting down yet, but I think the end work might be decent.

At the moment, I'm really just trying to get things to sit right with blotches of color and place holder blobs. As soon as I have those in, it will be time to make another pass at the environment. :3  Perhaps tomorrow I'll find a few sketches and scan them up.  I will also be taking another look at my copper crab model, make some changes and hopefully give it a texture pass over.